Technische Grundlagen der Oboe - Musikübungsheft, Andreas Mendel - Duredition, deutsch


The Junior Edition is a collection of tried and tested exercises, which will enable you to acquire an effective and comprehensive technique. It is adressed to a younger audience.


  1. Warm-up Embouchure exercises (reed only)
    Slow scales
    Fifths and fourths
  2. Exercise for sound and legato (by Albrecht Mayer)
  3. Transition over the break
  4. Exercises in different keys - MAJOR (up to 3# and 3b)
    1. Scale, basic pattern, possible variations,
    Triplet scale, 5-note scale, scale with auxiliary note 2. Chromatic scale
    3. Thirds
    4. Staccato
    5. Arpeggios
  5. Exercises in different keys - MINOR (up to 3# and 3b)
    1.1. & 1.2. harmonic minor
    1.3. melodic minor
    1.4. natural minor

Since some instruments do not extend to low B or B flat, the exercises begin on low C (c'). The highest note is generally top C (c'''), although some exercises extend to top E flat (E flat''').

Andreas Mendel
Grundbachweg 11a
4020 Linz