How to Scrape an Oboe Reed

商品番号 OS-001421 メーカー
書籍「How to Scrape an Oboe Reed」は、残念ながらドイツ語版のみです。 Philipp Adamczewski now offers his book "Wie schabt man ein Oboenrohr?" in an english translation. Philipp says about his book:
Adjusting and personalising a reed is an incredibly important skill that every oboist, beginner or professional, will benefit from.

The book "How to Scrape an Oboe Reed" details the basics of scraping, adjusting, and personalising oboe reeds according to the "Classic German Reedmaking Tradition".
By following the book´s step-by-step approach, reedmakers will quickly improve their skills whilst developing a thorough understanding of the underlying physical principles of oboe playing.
The book contains:
  • practical advice carefully balanced with theoretical explanations
  • exercises which encourage applying newly acquired skills
  • diagrams and precise pictures to clarify
Pages: 72
Dimensions: 8 x 11 inches

Written and translated by Philipp Adamczewski, Lectorate by Tom Owen and Oliver Hasenzahl
Philipp Adamczewski
Kurfürstenstraße 82
56068 Koblenz