Gouged cane for Oboe: Practice cane

Product number: AUS-OB-BEGINNER Manufacturer:
from 1,00€ per piece*
At Oboe-shop, cane is classified as beginner's cane when it does not fulfil the strict requirements we have in place for professional cane. Often, the thickness of this beginner cane deviates more than 1/100 from the desired gouging strength, or the cane's surface is more heavily grained.

However, the cane is fantastic for learning how to make reeds and the various processes this entails, such as shaping.

This product includes cane from different manufacturers and of various thicknesses.
Shape 0mm 10mm 20mm 30mm 40mm 50mm Length Equivalent
1 piece 1,10€ / piece from 50 Pieces 1,05€ / piece from 100 Pieces 1,00€ / piece
Ready for shipping
Oboe Shop GmbH
Im Herrnwald 4
65779 Kelkheim