Reliable Reeds

Artikelnummer: OS-KOESTER-RR Hersteller:
Ralf-Jörn Köster sagt über sein englischsprachiges Buch:

"Playing the oboe would be such a pleasure, if only one didn't have to make reeds."

Does this sound familiar? I must admit, the thought has crossed my mind a few times. But, despite all of its challenges, I have always enjoyed making reeds.
I would like to thank my colleague Holger Burke for an inspiring reedmaking exchange during our time together in the Mainfranken Theater Würzburg. It was with him that I learned to appreciate the dial indicator. Over the years Suitbert Walter has answered many a question regarding staples and their characteristics.

With this book "Reliable Reeds" I would like to share my expertise as clearly and easily understandable as possible. There is probably no such thing as a perfect reed, but by applying system to our work, we can make production more reliable.
Sofort lieferbar
Ralf-Jörn Köster
Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 13
91560 Heilsbronn